Archive for septiembre, 2007

Festival Lésbico en Karlsrhue, Alemanía

domingo, septiembre 30th, 2007


El martes comienza en este pueblo alemán la catorceava edición del lesbisch-schwule Filmtage Karlsruhe, donde proyectarán nuestro aclamado vídeo Suspenders. Hacía mucho tiempo que no recibíamos una carta de invitación a participar en un festival como la que nos enviaron ellas:

we have a small festival every autumn since 13 years in karlsruhe. this year we will screen the first time a mixed shortfilm programm one we will call:»pleasure» and in that we want to screen «suspenders» if you could send us a dvd,that would be great! the other shortfilm programm will be called:»burden»…
we screen our festival in a very small cinema with only 80 seats.but it is non commercial. we try to keep our costs low, so that the ticketprise can stay low…if you like you can have a look on our website:
please tell me your conditions and send the dvd to:
76133 Karlsruhe

iŽm very happy to screen «suspenders»
thanx petra

En medio de la epidemia de festivales, la festivalitis se muestra como un fenómeno frío y extraño, los mails que nos llegan de festivales lgbt, nos dicen el lugar que ocupan en el ranking de su país en la categoría de anitgüedad, tamaño o importancia, rollo ven a la discoteca más grande de europa y luego, eso sí muy serios, un montón de formularios a rellenar y enviar, todo por tu cuenta claro. Un horror y una sensación de vacio y mediocridad, que después de esta carta de presentación del Festival Reeling de Chicago, me ha quitado las ganas de seguir enviando dvd´s por el mundo como una gilipollas, la cosa era así:

The Chicago Lesbian & Gay International Film Festival is the second oldest gay and lesbian film festival in the U.S. and prides itself on showcasing the best LGBTQI films and videos from around the world…

With more parties than ever before, and a diverse set of films to choose from, there is something for everyone—whether you’re a hopeless romantic, a gender theorist, a cuddly bear, a foreign film buff, or just want to have a fun film followed by a fabulous party.

Lo de a foreign film buff, es como cuando nosotras decimos vaya americanada buff. Es lo mismo pero al contrario, y los he mandado a freir esparragos.

Next GWLP Workshop in City of Women, Slovenia

jueves, septiembre 6th, 2007


13th International Festival of Contemporary Arts ¯ City of Women
3rd to 13th October 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia

The programme for the 13 th City of Women Festival is being composed under the motto Laugh Out Loud! Humour and art have something in common – what some find funny, others find sad or even scary, and the other way around. There will be a lot of things at the 13th City of Women to make us laugh: the surprise of nonsense discovered within apparent common-sense, contrasting presentations, light-hearted judgements, the combining of the allegedly incompatible and some brutally frank discoveries… We will laugh at the sense of our laughter, and only when it really explodes will we see who laughs loudest!

The Festival will present around 45 women artists from Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, BH, Canada, Germany, Hawaii, India, Italy, Japan, Philippines, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, UK and USA. The City of Women anticipates a fruitful interdisciplinary exchange!