Archive for julio 6th, 2006

Disturb the peace [angry women]

jueves, julio 6th, 2006

Disturb.the.Peace [angry women] will be aimed at creating a collaborative net-based installation with the core concept of the visual portrait of feminine anger. D/t\P is a call to women artists to visually explore the face of [their] anger. It will make no apologies for being a call predominantly for female work. Male submissions will not be excluded from open submissions but must demonstrate that they are either a) in collaboration with a female or b) make significant comment or exploration on a visual expression of female anger beyond (what Jess Loseby) judges to be a stereotypical portrayal. It will be possible to submit work anonymously or through androgynous pseudonyms. Beyond gender, all work submitted must meet the basic requirements of thematic response and net usability to be included.

Nos han colgado La Bestia en este site sobre mujeres enfurecidas.